Individual users can be given permission to administrate or moderate forums.

Forum Moderators will be notified of flagged posts if the box for Notifications is ticked. They can review from the Moderate page and either delete the post or dismiss the approval request.

Forum Admins have the ability to create new Topics for the discussions. 

  1. Click edit on the forum you wish to add the user to (or directly from the Create Forum pop-up).
  2. Click User Permissions, and under Add New Users, start typing the name of the person you wish to add.
    If the name does not appear, then the user's role likely doesn't have access to the Discussion Forums module. Check System Settings > Discussion Forums > Permission tab.
  3. Select the User(s) from the drop down list and click the plus sign to add them. 
  4. Once added, using the tick boxes, select whether they can administrate, moderate, or both; and if they should receive notifications for post moderation. Then click save when done.